
21st Century Literature

On this information about some ides from the first topic on Week 1 lesson is all about on 21st Century Literature you are expected to know what are does:  Week 1 1.Alibata o Alphabet Alibata means Alphabet not Baybayin. It’s a commonly known fact for us Filipinos that Baybayin was the language used by certain ethno-linguistic groups in Luzon and Visayas, but primarily by the Tagalogs during the pre-colonial era of the Philippines. Since then, it has evolved into the language we currently use today. However, the language of Baybayin is often interchanged with the term Alibata, and is believed to be one and the same. But this is far from the truth. Is Alibata the same as Baybayin? Alibata was a term coined by Paul Rodriguez Verzosa in 1914. He based this term on the Arabic alphabet alif, ba, and ta from the Maguindanao Moros and was turned into Alibata afterward. The reason why Alibata is a wrong term is that there is no clear or strong evidence that pre-colonia


1. How can technology change your life and the community?   Technology has radically changed our planet and way of life over time. We now have access to incredible tools and resources made possible by technology. Technology has changed how we amuse ourselves, interact with others, and consume all forms of media. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives simpler, faster, better, and more enjoyable.  It has made amusing advancements, but it has also made significant safety advancements in areas like medical equipment and home security.  It helps with connectivity, mobility, and safety, which creates new opportunities. 2.  How can you become a great contributor to society when it comes to  ICT? Briefly discuss your role in developing technology. We all live in a contemporary society where ICT plays a critical role. ICT has made a significant impact on human growth. Many problems that humans still face can be resolved with the aid of informat


  What do you think is the significance of using Multimedia? I can say that is truly important because of how connected everyone is in today's modern world. The media can easily reveal details, just like sending crucial messages or information anywhere.The process of connecting with each person is more involved. It appears to be very helpful for the modern generation's continued development. The term multimedia is created by fusing the words multi and media. Multimedia is a type of medium that makes it simple to move information from one place to another; the word "multi" means "many."The presentation of text, images, audio, and video along with links and other tools enables the user to engage in computer-based navigation, creation, and communication.The term "multimedia" refers to the digitally expressed, stored, transmitted, and processed integration of text, drawings, still and moving images (videos), graphics, audio, animation, and any other me